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Accessing Your Immunization Records (First-Time Users) Instructions
To access your immunization records for the first time, please:
- Ensure an exact match for the following details:
Full legal name as it appears in our records (e.g., include both first names if applicable).
Date of birth
Relationship to the patient (select Parent, Guardian, or Patient) and ensure
Contact information (cell phone number and email) matches to be able to receive verification codes:
Patient: Contact details must match the patient’s records.
Parent or Guardian: Contact details must match the patient’s contact list in our system.
If you’re unable to access the record after the first attempt, please contact the us for assistance. You may need to update your information in our system.
Required Documents Update Your Information
Please email securely:
- Copy of government-issued ID for the patient. For minors, include the parent/guardian’s ID and specify the relationship (e.g., mother).
- The patient’s current address (and mailing address, if different).
- The patient’s contact information, including an email (preferred) and a cell phone number (both can be used to receive a verification code to access the site).
Contact Information
- Phone: 670-234-8951, ext. 7112 (Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM ChST)
- Email: iis@chcc.health
Locked Out or Search Limit Exceeded Instructions
Your account has been temporarily locked due to exceeding the search limit or multiple unsuccessful attempts to access your records. Please wait 1 hour before trying again.
If you or your child's information (e.g., name, address, email, or phone number) needs to be updated or verified, email iis@chcc.health with the following items:
- Copy of government-issued ID for the patient. For minors, include the parent/guardian’s ID and specify the relationship (e.g., mother).
- The patient’s current address (and mailing address, if different).
- The patient’s contact information, including an email (preferred) and a cell phone number (both can be used to receive a verification code to access the site).
For further assistance, contact us at:
Phone: 670-234-8951, ext. 7112 (Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM ChST).