Patients and their Legal Guardians can use this screen to view and print an official record of their immunizations. The patient's First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and Gender are required before proceeding.

Who is the Patient?
Who are you?
How would you like to receive your access code?

Immunization records printed from this site may not be complete. The records represent only the data reported to and entered in the system.


  • You have 3 attempts to enter your information correctly before you are temporarily locked out for 1 HOUR. If the first attempt fails, consider contacting us, as your records may need updating. See HELP for more details and contact info.

To access your immunization records, please:

  • Enter your name, date of birth, and details exactly as they appear in our records. (e.g., for individuals with two first names, both names must be entered in the first name field). 
  • Choose the correct relationship (Parent, Guardian, or Patient) and ensure your phone number or email matches what's on file:

    • Parent or Guardian: Contact information must match what's listed in the patient’s contact list in our system.
    • Patient: Contact information must match the patient’s own records.
  • Mobile phone number or email address(preferred) must be valid and up-to-date in our system to successfully access the portal.